Telegram Introduces Decentralized Verification for Enhanced Security

Telegram's existing verification system relied on public figures and organizations linking to credible press coverage and social media profiles. This process is now being expanded with a decentralized approach, allowing verified organizations to authenticate additional accounts within their network.

Third-Party Verification

This new system empowers verified organizations to verify associated accounts, such as individual writers or team members. Instead of the traditional blue checkmark, these accounts will display a unique logo of the verifying organization next to their name. This measure aims to combat scams and misinformation by providing a clear and verifiable link between individuals and their affiliated organizations. For related information, check out resources on managing your iPhone.

Enhanced Security and Transparency

This decentralized verification process offers a proactive solution to enhance security and transparency on the platform. By allowing trusted organizations to vouch for their members, Telegram aims to create a more trustworthy environment for its users. This approach aligns with discussions on enhancing user interface security and built-in anti-malware protection.

Verification Process

Organizations seeking verification must first complete an application process. Once verified, they can utilize Telegram's Bot API to manage the verification status of their associated accounts, assigning or removing verification as needed.